15th Centenary Jubilee 2024

We, the Leonardians, celebrate the 1500th year of the apparition of the icon of Santa Maria in Portico, a devotion which is dear to our Order.

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Jubilee Year of the Catholic Church

Catholic Church celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the completion of the Vatican II

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Jubilee of Our Foundation Day

We, the Leonardians, Celebrate the 450th Anniversary of the Foundation day of Our Order

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My dear fathers and brothers in Christ,

As we celebrate the twin feasts of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother and our nation’s 78th Independence Day, our hearts are filled with gratitude and hope.

These two significant events, though distinct in their nature, converge in a profound way, inviting us to reflect on freedom, faith, and service. The Assumption of Mary is a solemn reminder of our ultimate destiny—a life of eternal union with God. Our Blessed Mother, through her immaculate life, serves as an exemplar of faith, obedience, and hope. That is how we are committed to her care by our holy founder, St. John Leonardi. So as her spiritual sons, we are called to follow in her footsteps, striving for holiness in our daily lives and proclaiming the good news with unwavering conviction. India’s Independence Day evokes the spirit of freedom and the sacrifices made by countless patriots. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, let us renew our commitment to building a just, equal, and harmonious nation. Our faith calls us to be agents of change, working tirelessly for the upliftment of the marginalised and oppressed. May the contemplation of Mary’s Assumption inspire us to greater conformity to Christ and to a life characterised by faith, hope, and charity. May the spirit of India’s independence ignite in us a renewed passion for justice, peace, and reconciliation. May the intercession of Our Lady of Assumption guide us as we strive to be faithful disciples of Christ and responsible citizens of our nation.

On this auspicious day, I extend my heartfelt wishes to each one of you. May the blessings of God be upon us and all our ministries.

With fraternal love and prayers!

Very Rev. Fr. Arockia Ceril OMD

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