Pax Christi

“Congregation is a work of God” – St. John Leonardi

Foundation Day marks the beginning of the congregation. On this 449th Foundation Day, we the OMD family is grateful to God the Father, Almighty for inspiring St. John Leonardi, Our Founder and Father, to lay the foundation for our Congregation on 1st September 1574. Every birthday reminds us to thank God for the gift of life; so also is the Birthday (or) Fondation day of the Congregation for us Leonardians.

On this 449th Foundation Day, we need to remember the aim and motive for which our Founding Father, St. John Leonardi started the Congregation: “for the sanctification of its spiritual sons and the generous service of the souls, through the profession of evangelical counsels and community life, in prompt availability to the charisms of the Spirit.” (Cons. # 01)

Purposefully the fulfilment of the motive demands a charismatic outpouring and for which the following means providentially foster the destiny “particularly to the proclamation of the Word of God, catechesis, administration of the sacraments, especially to the Eucharist and Confession, the promotion of Marian devotion and other ministries according to the needs of the place.” (Cons. # 03) and by “following the example of the Founder, the members of our religious family realize the perfection of charity, especially through obedience to the Church, love for the Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Virgin and the observance of the Constitutions and Rules.” (Cons. #2)

On this day of celebrating our Origin, I would like to remind two paternal requests which Our Founding Father St. John Leonardi gave us inscribed in his letters:

  1. “I request you all to be united in what we promise ourselves to undertake before the eyes of our mind only the honour of God, the service, the glory of Jesus Christ Crucified, divesting yourselves totally of every other affirmations and interests of your own.” (Letter dt. 16.09.1603)
  2. Make of yourselves a gift to Blessed Virgin Mary. (Letter dt. 24.08.1601)

Dear Fathers and Brothers, as we commemorate the 449th Foundation Day of our OMD Congregation, let us celebrate our Leonardian calling and ask God’s blessings upon all the members of our Order. May God be our sole guide to our hearts and minds to carry out the Leonardian Vision and Mission throughout the World.

Your Brother in Mary, Mother of God

Very Rev. Fr. Arockia Ceril OMD

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